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Icon of Saint Philothea – S28

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Saint Philothea was the daughter of a noble house in Athens, and became a nun after the death of her parents.  She built the women’s Monastery of Saint Andrew in about 1550, and lived there with other young women who also served others with charitable works.  When they hid four Greek women who had been forced into apostasy by the Turks, the Turks seized Philothea and imprisoned her.  Later she was released from prison.

The name Philothea is from the Greek for “Love of God,” which Saint Philothea amply proved by her exemplary life.  Ardent in prayer, steadfast in poverty, even-minded in persecution, chaste and pure in heart, and lofty in her aspiration for a Heavenly life, she sought the Kingdom of God first and all needful good things were added unto her.  Some time after she had been released from prison, this wonderful saint walked to a nearby church for the Vigil service, where she was suddenly pounced upon by Turks who savagely beat her until she soon meekly gave up her spirit to Christ in 1589.  Her wonder-working relics are now the the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Athens.  O Holy Philothea, pray unto God for us!

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


Virgin Myrtle Tree Monastery, Paros, Greece


20th c. (Late)