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Icon of Saint Aphrodite – S425

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Saint Aphrodite was a martyr who gave her life for her conviction that an eternal living relationship of love with Jesus Christ,  the Holy Trinity, and all of the Saints of Heaven is worth more than life itself on earth.  This witness, which is the meaning of the Greek word “martyr,” has defined the very nature of Christianity from the very beginning of that witness of those who willingly gave their life without hurting anyone else, but rather suffering often in torture and death without complaint, blame, or resentment.  This is very different than the Islamic idea of martyrs who kill others, as the Christian witness is always with love and mercy towards all.

Saint Aphrodite’s name in Greek means “born from the sea,” which in her case was the Sea of Faith.  This Faith is stronger than death, and more eloquent that all words and ideas, as it is proven in following the icon of the Lamb of God Who was silent before His accusers, and although almighty, did not defend Himself, but willing went to death innocent and blameless.  In this icon, Saint Aphrodite’s cross signifies that she is a martyr, and her open hand symbolizes her willing acceptance of suffering for Jesus Christ.

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


Annunciation Convent, Patmos, Greece


Nun Kassiane


20th c. (Late)