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The Apostle Titus (on the left) was from Crete and educated in Greek philosophy and poetry. Guided in a dream as a young man, he went to Jerusalem and heard Jesus preach. Later he was baptized by Saint Paul and made the Bishop of Crete. Present at Saint Paul’s beheading, he buried his teacher’s body. He converted many in his Apostolic work, and died full of years at the age of 94.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa (in the center) was the brother of Saint Basil the Great and a married priest. After his wife died, he became a monk and was made the Bishop of Nyssa. He was a renowned preacher, author, and champion of Orthodoxy at the Second Ecumenical Council in a.d. 381. The final part of the Nicean Creed about the Holy Spirit is attributed to him.
Saint Blaise (on the right), virtuous from his youth, became the Bishop of Sebaste. By his prayers and teaching, many were touched and baptized. During a severe persecution of Christians, Saint Blaise lived in a cave nearby, but was brought to trial before the governor and was tortured until he gave his soul to Christ in a.d. 316. He is known to heal throat diseases and for help with animals.
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Church Feast Day 1 | 25-Aug |
Church Feast Day 2 | 10-Jan |
Church Feast Day 3 | 11-Feb |
Heritage | Greek |
Style | Egg Tempera |
Date | 16th c. |
Location | Dionysiou Monastery, Mt. Athos, Greece |